So James and I have been married since Monday-that should make me happy right? least with some things........the wedding even though it got to be far less simple than I wanted or hoped for was beautiful. I looked beautiful and pictures will be forthcoming. I am ecstatically happy being his wife which of course would make one wonder why I am feeling blah and not happy. The answer to that is of course my family.....James is so thrilled he posted a few wedding pictures on facebook-leading to the problem I am now dealing with. People began to leave congratulations on my wall which of course then led to the dreaded questions from various family members. My sister in Canada is very happy for us and is willing to support us in our future-my niece down in Florida congratulated me and through her my brother and the rest of the family down there-so far so good-right? Wrong again. My mother has now decided to join facebook and friend requested me-now I could have not accepted it and then dealt with that issue or accept the request and deal with her seeing I was now married. I figured I might just as well get it over with and accepted her-which of course led to her acting all offended because I was married and I didn't tell them. I called and tried to explain we went for something simple now-the wedding we want will be later and we did not tell anyone in our families before the wedding that it was taking place. She then got on her high horse and in her nasty tone just tried to make me feel guilty that I was a horrible child to not let them know-after all we must have told people if it is all over the hear I sit trying hard not to cry from getting the reaction I expected.