17 June 2009


it's been a while since I have posted. It has been a stressful few days. The car died on Friday so we had to scramble to get it replaced. It turned out that the tow truck company had a car for sale at a price we could manage. After much running around-which included juggling babysitting duties the car is ours. James came home with it about 6 pm on Friday. He worked 12 hours both Sat and Sun.We spent Monday at motor vehicles-but my license has been renewed-the car is registered and the title is in our name. We also went and bought a radio. Yesterday we got the oil changed, the radio installed, the car washed, spare keys made since it only came with one key and the parking permit taken care of. We are just waiting for the permanent insurance card to arrive so we can get it inspected. Money is going to be a bit tight for the next few weeks but we are not in as bad shape as we could be considering. Today we are just staying home and relaxing.

01 June 2009


So I have been married almost a month and I love James more and more every day. I never thought that possible that I could be so happy with someone. We're trying to figure out a way to replace the car so he can change jobs-becoming an EMT is his next goal.My birthday was last Sunday and it was a busy tiring weekend-I was very glad to just come home and spend time with my husband. Last night he asked me on a date-we went to a dinner and then to see Up-a good movie but very sad and moving in parts. I realised this morning that I will have graduated from HS 27 years ago tomorrow-and my husband had not even been born yet-strange ramblings but so be it. Not much is really new but I hadn't posted in a while and thought I should update things.

07 May 2009


So James and I have been married since Monday-that should make me happy right? Wrong...at least with some things........the wedding even though it got to be far less simple than I wanted or hoped for was beautiful. I looked beautiful and pictures will be forthcoming. I am ecstatically happy being his wife which of course would make one wonder why I am feeling blah and not happy. The answer to that is of course my family.....James is so thrilled he posted a few wedding pictures on facebook-leading to the problem I am now dealing with. People began to leave congratulations on my wall which of course then led to the dreaded questions from various family members. My sister in Canada is very happy for us and is willing to support us in our future-my niece down in Florida congratulated me and through her my brother and the rest of the family down there-so far so good-right? Wrong again. My mother has now decided to join facebook and friend requested me-now I could have not accepted it and then dealt with that issue or accept the request and deal with her seeing I was now married. I figured I might just as well get it over with and accepted her-which of course led to her acting all offended because I was married and I didn't tell them. I called and tried to explain we went for something simple now-the wedding we want will be later and we did not tell anyone in our families before the wedding that it was taking place. She then got on her high horse and in her nasty tone just tried to make me feel guilty that I was a horrible child to not let them know-after all we must have told people if it is all over the internet.....so hear I sit trying hard not to cry from getting the reaction I expected.

29 April 2009


Well James and I applied for our marriage license yesterday.....it's hard to believe that I am getting married this Monday! I will actually be married before my birthday at the end of the month! Being the brat that I am after hearing a commercial for some company reminding us that Mother's Day is in a couple of weeks and you should shop now for your mother, grandmother, and wife I asked him will I be getting something for Mother's Day. He very nicely said he didn't see why not and I just started laughing because unlike many people I do not really need a gift for every holiday-cards work just fine and the little things he does and says to remind me how much I am loved mean the world to me.Neither of us have mentioned to our blood families that we are getting married as we know that is not going to go over well but the family that we have created here with our friends will be there to celebrate with us. We're hoping that we can get to FaerieCon in Philadelphia in October for a honeymoon type celebration as we cannot take one right now.

18 April 2009


Yes I know it has been a while since I posted-I'm still alive and doing ok. The car definitely needs to be replaced in about a month and Goddess willing James and I plan on getting married on May 4th. I have to get myself motivated and find something I can do for work from home since starting next week I will need to babysit my gf's kids for a couple of hours every morning so she can go to work.Once the car is replaced James needs to find a new site to work at or even possibly a new company as this 7 days a week is really getting to him even though we do get to spend more time together. We need at least one day together where there is nothing else going on before we both go crazy.

03 April 2009


I am alive and I suppose well enough-the depression is slowly abating-I just need to find some ambition to look for work although I am slowly finding the ambition to get things done around the house which is an improvement in itself. James and I are talking about marriage but now at least getting rings may have to be put on hold because we need to replace the car and soon-it is only 1 of many things that need to be replaced-the bed, the tv, eventually at least one of the computers....we will manage but I wish we could start off with less problems and more joy.

27 March 2009


I have been very depressed and feeling blah. I'm hoping that the return of spring and more sunlight will help me snap out of it as it is really getting to James as well. Perhaps my family learning of our relationship will also help relieve some of the tension. I really need to start looking for something to do as a job as I think the idleness is also adding to it. I find it's an effort to get up, shower and get dressed.

22 March 2009


I'm still alive-it's been a very long week or so since I last posted. Kristen went home Tuesday-not sure if the way they are suggesting she treat the pancreatitis this time will work but it is not up to me to say. My sister if not my family now knows James is my bf and the same sister knows how old he is-how things will fall from that being said remains to be seen-but it will be their loss if they choose not to accept him. It's been a very long week-this upcoming week will be just as long and the weekend was exhausting. Time for the kitten to be in bed.

16 March 2009


I get to go back to the hospital-Kristen is still there and they still are not sure what is wrong with her. On the other hand my sister asked me yesterday if James was my boyfriend so the word is out-not sure how things will fly with the rest of my family but so far Meg is not judging me-I can only hope that everyone else decides it is MY life and I should get to be happy and not live to please them.

13 March 2009


Ok-I'm here and I am lost.....I have no idea how to let people follow me or to even find people I know on here. Never mind looking to customise my blog. I haven't posted since I came back here because I was babysitting and spending time at the hospital visiting my niece Kristen who is back in with STILL no real idea what is wrong. They are going to have to do something more than what they have been doing at this point because how can you treat what you do not know? Where is Dr House when you need him? Anyway feel free to give me pointers on how to actual use this thing especially if you want me to easily find your own blogs to read or how to make it easier for you to read this.....

09 March 2009


ok-I'm here and will try to be better at updating this