13 March 2009


Ok-I'm here and I am lost.....I have no idea how to let people follow me or to even find people I know on here. Never mind looking to customise my blog. I haven't posted since I came back here because I was babysitting and spending time at the hospital visiting my niece Kristen who is back in with STILL no real idea what is wrong. They are going to have to do something more than what they have been doing at this point because how can you treat what you do not know? Where is Dr House when you need him? Anyway feel free to give me pointers on how to actual use this thing especially if you want me to easily find your own blogs to read or how to make it easier for you to read this.....

1 comment:

Xinaed said...

To set it up so people can follow, go to your dashboard, then layout, and then add a widget on the right side of your page. Search the widgets (should be of the first few listed) that says 'Followers'. Click on add this, and then save it. It will then allow people the option of following their blog.

To search for people you know here on blogger.. hm. I'm not to sure, as I'm currently looking up how to do that, but I'm sure a simple google search for their name and or email address might work.

I'll be on and offline today, so I will help as much as I can. I've been wondering about your neice. I'm sorry she's back in the hospital. Despite they don't know whats wrong, thats probably the safest place for her right now, until they do know what is wrong.

I'll keep you and her in my prayers and thoughts.