18 April 2009


Yes I know it has been a while since I posted-I'm still alive and doing ok. The car definitely needs to be replaced in about a month and Goddess willing James and I plan on getting married on May 4th. I have to get myself motivated and find something I can do for work from home since starting next week I will need to babysit my gf's kids for a couple of hours every morning so she can go to work.Once the car is replaced James needs to find a new site to work at or even possibly a new company as this 7 days a week is really getting to him even though we do get to spend more time together. We need at least one day together where there is nothing else going on before we both go crazy.


Zaolan said...

I'm glad everything is ok out there. good luck replacing the car and getting married. :)

&; Kash

Jeannie said...

thanks honey*hugs*

Xinaed said...

Another site to work at? Hmm, godaddy? My uncle is a manager for them, in I think it's networking, etc. I can't remember, lol. He likes it there. They have great benefits. I'm not sure if they have a location in New Jersey though.

Hopefully you can get your car fixed, and find work from home. Let us know if you find anything, because we are still out of work. :( Yay for getting married in May. Have fun babysitting, lol. That's always...an adventure. :D

Jeannie said...

Site as in location for him to be a security guard at-preferably one with decent pay and benefits. Although now it looks like he might have to go to Kentucky to rescue the missing third in our relationship-but we have to wait for her to contact us. She went back to her abusive former Master to try to get the closure she felt she needed to truly move on to be with James and I. So once again there is chaos surrounding us.....*sighs*